Tales of symphonia colette build
Tales of symphonia colette build

tales of symphonia colette build

Keep picking dialogue choices that lower affection as much as possible. You now have to keep an eye on his HP, keeping him KO'ed for as long as possible. Make sure Genis learns the Icicle tech, as it is needed to advance in the story.

tales of symphonia colette build

When Kratos joins the party at Martel Temple, he will have Transforming Agent available.Īt some point before arriving in Palmacosta, everyone should hit level 11.


Remember to watch out for free revives! Lloyd, Colette, and Genis all have new costume titles: Guardian, Genius Researcher, and Noble Son, respectively.

tales of symphonia colette build

If you chose the techs option in the GRADE store, you can let Genis get knocked out in the first battle to keep him at level 2. Proceed through the opening sequence as normal. Regal Title 13/17: Knight Academy Instructor Or at least until you get Gung-ho, that is. If you DID purchase the techs option, you can let him get KO-ed in the first battle, and keep him at level 2 for the entirety of the game. This means you have to let Genis level up to at least level 11 in order to move through the story. It is very expensive, and other things might be more important to you. You get it all back! You also get an additional 1000 GRADE simply for beating the game.įinally, this guide assumes you did NOT purchase the techs option from the GRADE shop. The amount of GRADE you have to spend here is equal to everything you earned during the first playthrough, including that which you may have spent on items. The first thing you will notice upon loading up the Clear Data is the GRADE Store. This page will focus more on guiding you through the game with an emphasis on unlocking content that we avoided.Īll that aside, let's dig into the walkthrough for your second playthrough! GRADE Store You should be able to navigate through the world fairly easily at this point, but can always revist the first few pages to get through any dungeons that are a problem. I will not be doing a step-by-step explanation this time through. This is so that we can unlock as many new swimsuit Titles as possible, and unlock the unique Key Item for choosing Zelos during the doctor event at Flanoir. Other goals during this playthrough are to ensure that Zelos and the other party members from Tethe'alla have the highest affection ratings. It is only the four characters that you bring into the Rodyle fight that matter. This also means that the other characters (Presea, Regal, etc.) can be a part of my regular party and level up appropriately. If I manage to keep Genis at level 10, I can bring in Sheena at level 30, and still have space. By keeping Genis and Sheena KO-ed for the majority of the game, even if they enter this fight at level 20, there is 5 levels worth of extra space there to work with. With the two of them at level 50, I have 45 levels worth of space for my other two characters. I always run with Lloyd and Raine in my party. For the majority of this playthrough (or at least until Gung-Ho unlocks) we will be keeping less useful combat characters in a KO-ed state. The main way to get around this is to keep background characters at lower levels, letting your primary characters get higher.

Tales of symphonia colette build