Oolite oxps
Oolite oxps

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That one even could be given by the raw data, because they represent radians per second, and a full 360 degree turn does exist in-game.īut I'm also all for keeping the different levels distinct from each other. Indeed, I'm all for including the number of energy banks and even a hint to their recharge rate (in the form of for instance a scale between "poor" and "excellent", like I've proposed and at one point implemented on the Wiki ship pages) in the shipyard screen, because it is vital information for the potential buyer. I'm not opposed to showing energy banks, only to showing the raw number. I believe there's a misunderstanding here. Reynolds wrote:On a number of occasions I've bought a new ship and ended up thinking "only two energy banks?" or "just one missile bay?" or similar - things which would have stopped me buying it to begin with, and things which are already in the bundled reference sheet.

oolite oxps

I am not suggesting that the Villagers are descending upon Frankensteins Chateaux just yet, but would like to caution against such an eventuality by way of this small and polite missive.Ĭapt. I wonder if the situation has arisen before where a fledgling OXP developer has gone because of this. However, because said back catalogue has poofed into the ether along with it's creator because of observations that, when viewed in a certain light, might be seen as negative, (and I would emphasize at this juncture, I have nothing against constructive criticism or indeed suggestions for possible improvements.) OXP's that may be thought of as flawed by some and yet contain with them the bones of a good idea and the makings of an excellent OXP that could be developed (with permission where available). my concern being that in some cases, someone who works hard to knock out OXP's could, in the face of discouragement, up and off along with their back catalogue of OXP's.

#Oolite oxps download#

but to be fair and bluntly honest, if I don't like Norby's OXPs, I don't have to download them.Ĭonsidering this is the friendly board this side of Riedquat and all. (I do agree that current and active OXP developers retaining control over their creations re the other thread). Sometimes Norby, rather his enthusiasm gets a bit of a bad press I think. Now there's an immersion breaker.Īs regards showing energy banks as opposed to value, that pretty much makes sense.

oolite oxps

You're already giving players this data as standard, but not in a form they can look at in-game unless they pause, move it to a window then go find the pdf. On a number of occasions I've bought a new ship and ended up thinking "only two energy banks?" or "just one missile bay?" or similar - things which would have stopped me buying it to begin with, and things which are already in the bundled reference sheet. As it stands, the only info you get is top speed and cargo capacity (plus any additional kit fitted), which only tells a fraction of the story. It only stands to reason that Oolite me would want to know the specs of a ship I'm considering buying. If real-life me is looking to buy a new car/fridge/TV/whatever, I make damn sure I look up specs on whatever it is I'm after so I'm going into it with eyes wide open. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on the "immersion breaking" angle. Contrary to what youthful exuberance tells you, not everything that is doable should actually be done as an OXP. An OXP that has no other purpose than to willfully break or destroy this immersion is in my opinion worse than a cheat.Īgain, I can only advise you to consider what you're doing (and releasing) before doing (and releasing) it. In-game the game is not a game, and there is no such thing as "ist" or any other of the technical under-the-hood stuff.Įlite/Oolite is all about immersion into the reality of the Ooniverse. It has no meaning at all.Īnd please consider this for all other information that is given on an in-game screen as well. In-game the number "400" in conjunction with energy does not exist. Because of this I suggest that you print energy as banks rather that the raw number. In other words, you can't look at the ist when you are in Ooniverse. Spara wrote:I would not justify anything by saying "you can look at the ist" because I want to separate the game from reality.

Oolite oxps