Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle
Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle

drawing of 6 circles in rectangle
  1. #Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle update
  2. #Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle software
  3. #Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle Pc
  4. #Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle windows
drawing of 6 circles in rectangle

One core clearly has dominance, followed by another doing parallel processing, followed by 9 more doing tiny things. It was doing nothing but looping through 10,000,000 GDI (BitBlt) and simple math functions. (You can still do that too, manually, if needed.) The red line is where I stopped the demo program.

#Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle windows

Windows has even made VB6 use multiple cores and threads now, without needing to manually tell it to use them. All fonts "glyphs" are now handled in GPU memory-space. Or, as mentioned, anything "text related", to processing, not drawing text. Or anything that requires "System RAM Memory Manipulation" as part of the function. You may just be wasting time pushing things into GPU processing that gain no speed, like "line drawing" and "individual pixel manipulation". You can get MORE, doing special things, or less. You WILL get GPU acceleration, doing "nothing special". Sound processing (mp3/ogg/flac/wav), Video processing (avi/divx/xvid/mp4/h#), Graphics (dx/gl/gdi), most 3D related math functions (cuda), almost all "matrix math" (cuda/tensor), anything VR related (multi-view virtual-display), even simple OS RAM/HD acceleration (Copy 0-6), Security (encryption/decryption). Complex math, and graphics, when not doing "text processing".) (Which is about 90% of what most programs are doing.

drawing of 6 circles in rectangle

They are up to 4000x faster than a CPU, at almost everything they do, which is why they are used for almost everything math-related now. It's not just about GPU's for graphics anymore. Windows uses GPU memory and "commands", to assist with "general processing functions" as well.

#Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle software

Otherwise, it is using software processing and system RAM, which then goes to the GPU after it is processed, for display. Image data, if it is processable faster by a GPU command, will go directly to GPU memory-space. All GDI actions take place in virtual-ramspace, which is now reverse "shared memory" with the GPU. It's not displaying an image from RAM, it's in VRAM, encoded. (Though you are at the mercy of your own code.) Windows WILL load, what it needs, into VRAM. Yes, that is about manually using them, forcing them into VRAM. Bonus because you can easily adapt your program to Javascript and go full-app or full-online, from that point. Fairly easy to use, with a massive set of samples online. Use the BrowserControl and use HTML5 CANVAS, which uses 3D acceleration, by default. If you want an EASY way to get 3D GPU acceleration in your program. (For one single GDI call, done a million times.) Not quite as much as when I am playing a DX game, but close-enough. this is showing my BitBlt alpha-blend demo running, which raises my GPU processes a "little". NOTE: You really have to be doing a LOT to see real action. Unlike with DX, GL and/or an SDK for a specific card type.) Not something you can actually control, directly. (This is not "Windows activity", it is actual GPU assisted processing, for the windows that you are using GDI/GDI+ within.

drawing of 6 circles in rectangle

You will see 3D use rocket to life and also see your GPU memory spike quite a bit. If you look at your GPU processes in "Task Manager", ->, while doing something like heavy BitBlt, or some GDI+ functions. For true dedicated graphics drawing you need to use DX, GL, or an SDK for "windows", and/or "Nvidia" and/or "Intel-graphics", and/or "AMD". However, that is not 100% on every function and not in every situation.

#Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle update

Nothing worse than when a GPU gets an update and you start seeing "gaming issues" in normal windows now.) They have been converting many of the old graphics functions to use the same functions that they can. I am not saying that windows is running in DX. (To elaborate, Windows uses the same GPU calls, for itself, which DX/GL uses.

#Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle Pc

NVIDIA) if that is available in the PC the app is running on? And if so, is there something the app needs to do, or is it done automatically?Windows is built on Direct-X, so many of the old GDI and GDI+ functions, to a small extent, will use GPU acceleration to draw. Is it possible with VB6 to take advantage of a dedicated videocard/GPU (e.g.

Drawing of 6 circles in rectangle